What Should We Do If We Don’t Get A Job After Bachelor’s Of Engineering?

In this article, I will try to cover all possible ways that we can do after a Bachelor Of Engineering if we don’t get a job. First of all my suggestion to everyone is to take a deep breath and try to be happy in your life and all the things you wanted with you will be in your way one day.

C Program To Sort The List Of Numbers Using Pass By Reference.

In this blog, we are going to cover the pass by reference concept which is one of the most important concepts in C programming and the alternative of pass by reference is call by reference both are similar because if the method who is calling a function by some reference then they can say that call by reference and who is passing value to someone refer into that then it can be called as pass by reference.

How To Create A Complete Website From Top To Bottom.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the process of creating a complete website from top to bottom and we will know about some of the technology that we can use in the back-end as well as in the front-end of our website.

Learn And Understand The Concepts Behind Carbon Programming Language.

In this blog, we will be going to understand carbon programming language concepts with some examples and will cover all the literal which will be used in this new programming language.

Learn Java Programming In One Blog That Makes You Comfortable With The Java Code

Learn java in one blog

In this blog, we will be going to learn all the essential concepts of java programming from top to bottom (i.e learn java programming in one blog). After reading this blog you will be able to understand how java programs work and what is object-oriented concepts in java. So let’s start.

Should We Know Multiple Programming Languages To Join MNCs or Product-Based Company.

In this Blog, we will understand what are the things we should know to enter into the MNCs or any Product-Based Company. This blog is mainly for Engineering students who are pursuing or who are tending to graduate next year or just graduated because after reading this blog you will be able to understand what … Read more

Keyboard Shortcut That Every User Should Know

In this blog, we will be going to cover all the essential keyboard shortcuts that can give an edge in the digital world. And after knowing all the keyboard shortcuts you will be able to do things faster than before. In this blog, I will share my personal tips and tricks with you guys so … Read more