How To Become A Faster At Typing

1. Home     Button

Rest your left and right-hand finger on the keyboard button.  ASDF button for Left-hand and JKL; for right-hand

2. Focus On A Single Word At A Time

While typing we have to focus on one word at a time so that we do fewer mistakes, here is one thing I want to mention doing mistakes is fine but doing mistakes and repeating those mistakes is not fine So while doing mistakes in typing you need to just understand why I am doing mistake and learn from it so that you will not do that mistake again.

3.  Get Rid Out Of Fear

Before getting into the world of professionally typing skills everyone has some fear kind of thing’s in mind about how they are typing so much faster without seeing the keyboard button is that possible or do they have some natural ability, So I would say a Big No to all of that person Because this is what Known as a Practice makes a MAN Perfect. This is fine if anyone has a little bit of fear about typing but keeping this fear aside and starting practice will make you get rid of that fear. So Focus is important because there is a lot more to discuss.