This article will amaze you if you genuinely want to earn money online and In this article will be going to cover some of the best ways to earn money online without any initial investment the only thing you need to invest here is your time because if we see any online learning it takes time to learn and experience those things and move ahead accordingly. So also note that while focusing on online earning you need to also focus on the time management part as well. If you manage your time properly then there are high chances that you will start making money in less amount of time. So let’s discuss all the earning concepts one by one below and if you want you can jump into your favorite topic by looking into a Table Of Content below:

note: Below are some of the methods/ways which takes consistent time and it means that you need to first choose one and do it consistently for a certain period of time like for the next 6 month.
Blogging is also a way to earn money online with the help of google Adsense but let’s talk about What is Blogging and what we have to do in that. Blogging is a place where we are expressing our feeling in the form of words which is also referred as article and the motive behind writting article is to solve problems of users or add some value in their life by the use of articles.
So let’s discuss about the process of blogging from start here.
In every field there are some default question that arise in every users mind before entering into that field and they may become a barriers while choosing one field also so here are some major question’s like what happen if my article will not rank, what happen if no one like my article, I am having the ability to tackle all around the world in blogging or not, what happen if I am able to move forward in blogging or not, and Can I do blogging after my job working hours or not. For this all question I will suggest this question will be killed If you start writting article according to your time in a consistent manner and if you feel every time demotivate while writting article it means you are not focussed at all. In the every field we need to meditate our self for improving our focus area.
Mainly whenever a newbie wanted to start blogging there are mainly two ways to do that one is through Free platform which is Blogger Made by GOOGLE for blogging purpose and another one is Paid plaform which is wordpress The most prowerful CMS tool to create website.

- Blogger:-
- BLogger is made by google for blogging purposes.
- Blogger is easy to learn and understand the element it will hardly take 1 week to undertand blogger element after that any one can start writting content on it.
- As blogger is a free tool you need to handle all things like seo, theme modifying, adding custom theme, adding your site to search console and many more.
- To start a blogging with blogger we need to follow below steps:-
- Step1: Create your account on
- Step2: Fill all the detail asked by blogger
- Step3: Add custom domain or continue with subdomain like
- Step4: Start writting post by clicking on the post section one editor will popup and you will be able to start writting article on that.
- Step5: Add some pages like about us, disclaimer, Privacy policy, terms and condition, and many more.
- Step6: Start focusing on SEO part i.e on page seo as well as off page seo.
- Step7: After writting 15 to 20 blogs you may go for google adsense for earning money by showing google ads on your website.
- Step8: Review your website on weekends or after some days for finding errors and improving your article accodringly.
- WordPress:
- WordPress is CMS platform which is used to create some beautiful websites for blogging as well as for Creating E-commerce websites like Woo-commers.
- WordPress comes with pre-built pulgins like sitekit, jetpack, elemtor pro, and many more which we can use for tracking, modifying, and enhancing our website features.
- WordPress provides some paid plugins which we can find and use accordingly but if you are starting with wordpress you can use free versions also they are also good one.
- To start with wordpress their are two ways one is doing it locally on machine just for practise and another one is purchasing some hosting like hostinger which provides an option to continue with wordpress and develope your website.
- WordPress provides some free theme which we can apply on our sites. like I use genratepress which also a good theme.
Nowadays, Everyone knows that we can earn lot’s of money just by making small videos on youtube shorts in less amout of time as compare to bigger videos because active mobile users are increasing day by day and both are having their own pros and cons like youtube shorts can only give you a motivation but for understanding some deeper thing we need to checkout wide screen videos.
Affiliate Marketing
Affliate Marketing is another way of earning money online. However, To start earning money with the affiliate marketing most of the time we are asked some question for that like how much traffic due you get on your website per month, how much subscriber you have on youtube or telegram, How much followers due you have on your instagram, Where you will promote our products. So be ready before applying to affiate website.
To start earning with affiliate marketing we need to submit a request to their website some are as follow.
- Clickbank
- CJ affiliate
- JVjoo
- Amazon Affiliate Program
- Or you can check affiliate program by going on intended website.
After submitting a request if we get an approval mail then we can use their affiliate link to promote their products on our websites and earn some commision through it.
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is different from affiliate marketing. In Digital marketing we are going to promote their products through social media platform or through google ads for our customers or for our self.
To learn Digital marketing from start their one google which I will suggest you to do it for understanding some basic elements of digital marketing.
Digital marketing free course link:
Drop-Shipping is a onine line earning business model In which we are creating E-commerce website using paid tool or if you are a developer than you can create E-COMMERCE by yoursef it will not take much time and list some amazing product after doing some product research and promote your products by organically or through social media ads like faceboo ads, instagram ads, google ads, etc.
The paid tool for drop shipping is Shopify which takes almost 2500 rupees permonth and another one is woo coomerce which take less money but more effort as compare to shopify.
Checkout How to make money online by spending 2 hours a day.
Drop-Servicing is another easiest way to earn money online but make sure you are creating your base first before entering into drop servicing. In drop servicing we are finding customers or taking orders from customers and fullfilling it by the use of third person. for example we have a profile on upwork for creating beautiful website for 100$ and after getting orders from upwork we are forwarding details to those person who are present in fiverr and they are creating website under 50$. So here we are making profit of 50$ without doing anythings.
Final Note: All the field are coming with “ing” at the end like blogging It means that continuation process or consistent process If you break you consistent you my not get anything out of it. Your simple goal is to add values to your users like by creating valueable article.
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