Keyboard Shortcut That Every User Should Know

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In this blog, we will be going to cover all the essential keyboard shortcuts that can give an edge in the digital world. And after knowing all the keyboard shortcuts you will be able to do things faster than before. In this blog, I will share my personal tips and tricks with you guys so that you all will be aware of those things and you can apply those things in your real life whenever you have time.

This blog is for those people who want to do things faster using the keyboard instead of doing things from a mouse which takes time.

Before reading keyboard shortcuts I am assuming that you people are aware of computers and their peripheral devices from which we are giving input to the system so that we can perform some computation as per the requirement concerns.

note: if you know the components of a computer you can skip the below two paragraphs:

Basically, If you don’t know the peripheral devices it’s fine I will provide you a short description for you. The computer system consists of some peripheral devices and Central Processing Unit.

Peripheral devices are those devices from which we can give input and take output or any hardware like infrastructure for example keyboard, monitor, mouse, and printer. The Central Processing Unit also known as the CPU does some logical/arithmetic operations.

Below are Some Keyboard Shortcuts:

  1. Keyboard shortcut using a CTRL button:
    • CTRL button is an abbreviation for Control.
    • The purpose of this button is mainly used in combination with some other buttons for some functions or to provide some fluency in performing some action.
    • Below are some shortcuts with the CTRL button.
      • Ctrl + c : this combination is used for copying and it works when we select a particular area.
      • Ctrl + v: this combination is used for pasting things from the clipboard that comes from ctrl + c function
      • Ctrl + f : to find a particular word or sentence in a browser or in a pdf viewer we can press ctrl + f and one input box will appear in the top right section and where we can paste our query and it will find all the matched keyword.
      • Ctrl + r : if you are writing in an editor and want to change a particular name that is inside your content but it will take a lot of time to do that but if you’ll use the ctrl + r button at that time you will see two input boxes but in the first box enter the keyword you want to change and in the second box enter the new keyword you want to replace with.
      • Ctrl + Tab: this combination is used for switching right in the chrome tabs
      • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: this combination is used for switching left in the chrome tabs
      • Ctrl + h: Open history in the current tab of chrome.
      • Ctrl + j: Open the download section in a different tab of chrome.
  2. Keyboard shortcut using the Alt button:
    • Alt button is an abbreviation for Alternate.
    • The purpose of this button is mainly used in combination with some other buttons for some functions or printing some symbols.
    • Below are some shortcuts with the Alt button.
      • Alt + 0169: this combination is used to print copyright signature( i.e ©) and it works when we press the alt button and enter 0169 in series from left to right without skipping and after entering that four-digit number release the Alt button it will ©.
      • Alt + 0174: this combination is used to print the Registered signature (i.e ®).
      • Alt + 0176: this combination is used to print degree (i.e ° ).
      • Alt + 0178: this combination is used to represent squares (i.e 2²)
      • Alt + 0179: this combination is used to represent cubes( i.e 2³)
      • Alt + 0128: this combination is used to represent Euro currency(i.e €)
      • Alt + Tab: this combination is used to switch between two open windows.
      • Alt + F4: this combination is used to close the current file/application and if no files are open then it will show the shutdown option to you.
  3. Shift button:
    • Using the Shift button we can do the below things.
      • Shift + del: Delete things permanently from your window
      • Shift + (any arrow button like up/down/left/right): it will select a particular area for you in that direction.
      • Shift + (Any word from a to z): It will print capital letters.
  4. Function button from F1 to F12:
    • Function keys are used to perform some functions.
      • F1: used to open the help section
      • F2: used to rename the file
      • F3: used for finding same as Ctrl + f
      • F4: Open the address bar in windows explorer
      • F5: used to refresh current file/application
      • F6: move the cursor to the address bar in the chrome browser
      • F7: used for grammar and spelling checking
      • F8: opens window startup menu
      • F9: refresh document in Microsoft word
      • F10: it activates the menu bar of opened application
      • F11: to hide all the tabs and activate the full-screen mode.
      • F12: mainly used for saving files

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