English Grammar That Every Person Should Know Before Entering In To A Company.

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In this blog, I am going to tell you about English Grammar that every person should know Before entering into a company like MNC, Product Based Company, or anyone who wants to enter into the corporate world.

Basic Understanding:-

Basic Understanding means understanding the flow of speaking with respect to the time(i.e past, present, and future tenses ).
So to understand the Flow of speaking we must know its type otherwise we may confuse to decide that which flow it is.
Flow Of Speaking can be found in four types with respect to their timing of speaking:-

a. Continuous:- This represent’s that a thing is happening continuously by appending the verb with ing like learn become learning to represent something happening continuously at a particular time in the past, present, or future. Below is a detailed view of it with examples.
-1. Past Continuous:- was/were learning. eg: The plane was landing. eg2: He was learning.
-2. Present continuous:- is/am/are learning. eg: The plane is landing. eg2: He is learning.
-3. Future continuous:- will be learning. eg: The plane will be landing. eg3: He will be learning.

b. Simple:- It follows one word structure
-1.Past Simple:- learnt
-2.Present Simple:- learn/learns
-3. Future Simple:- will learn

c. Perfect:- Perfect is used to represent things with the use of had, have/has, will have with the verbs
-1. Past Perfect:- had learnt
-2. Present Perfect:- have/has learnt
-3. Future Perfect:- will have learnt

d. Perfect Continuous:- It is a combination of Perfect and Continuous with the addition of been in between
-1. Past Perfect Continuous:- had been learning
-2. Present Perfect Continuous:- have/has been learning
-3. Future Perfect Continuous:- will have been learning

Present Tense And Its Uses

-Present in simple word can be talking about something that is happening currently or at the moment and you will understand exact meaning of present tense after checking the below examples.
-We use the Present Continuous if the action is happening now, at the moment, at the
time of speaking when something is happening for only a short period of time, so
-We use the Present Simple if it’s a habitual, regular activity and we are speaking about
something in general and when something happens permanently.
-Permanent is that which lasts and remains unchanged.
-Temporary is that which lasts only for a short period of time.

eg:- I can’t call you now. I’m working.
answer:- present continuous (“I’m working” which is now, at the moment, at the time of speaking).
eg:- Oh OK, but you work from 9 to 5 pm, don’t you?
answer:- present simple (“work” which is habitual action, things in general, regularly.

1. Present simple:-
-In the present simple we check below things before using it:-
-habitual: hobbies or fact
-regular: doing things again and again
-In general: that generally happens
-permanent: the things that remain for a long time
I. when the below thing appears in a statement then we have to use elements accordingly.
-1. I/we/you/they:- come/learn/store eg: I love having a bath after a long day.
-2. he/she/it:- comes/learns/stores (we use “s” at the end of the main verb) eg: It rains a lot in England.
-3. I/we/you/they:- do/ don’t eg: Vegan’s don’t eat animal product.
-4. he/she/it:- does/doesn’t eg: A liar is someone who doesn’t tell the truth.

another note:- Don’t forget that when you have already used does or doesn’t in the sentence the
main verb doesn’t have the ‘s’ at the end of it
eg: ‘What does he does in his free time? ‘ ‘ I don’t know.’ (wrong)
‘What does he do in his free time? ‘ ‘ I don’t know. ‘ (right)

2. Present Continuous:-
When & How:-

-When we are in the middle of doing something for example right now, now, at the moment. eg: I’m doing the workout.

-Temporary actions, It may be not happening right now but around the moment of speaking. eg: Susan’s working in the advertising department this month.

-Irritating, annoying habits. eg:- My husband is always leaving his used coffee mug on his desk.

am/is/are + verb + ing

eg1. am/is/are learning. eg: I’m doing the workout.
eg2. am/is/are learning. eg: What are you doing?
eg3. am not/isn’t/ aren’t learning. eg:- I’m not doing anything special.

4. Present Perfect:-
When & How:-

Life Experience eg1: I’ve been to china twice(note it’s not finished it continues) OR My car has broken twice this week. eg2: I haven’t seen paul today(note we are using this sentence before/in the midnight).

Something started in the past and has continued into the present

  • since for
  • eg: I have lived in San Francisco for four years. eg2: I have been in love with you since I saw you.
  1. We can use already/recently/just/yet in sentences. eg: I’ve just had breakfast. eg2: Hi, I’ve just thought of you
  2. Something happened a short time ago, that’s still important/connected with now. eg: Oh, no! I’ve left the key in the car. eg:2 Ouch, I’ve knocked my knee. eg3: I don’t know if she has gone somewhere.

Structure:- have/has + verb3

+(Positive): eg: I have lived in NY for 3 years. eg2: He has already watched this romantic movie with me twice.
?(Questions): eg: Have you ever been to China?
-(Negative): eg: He hasn’t seen such beauty.

note:- uses of having and has.
Have: have is used with I/you/we/they. eg: I have a pencil.
Has: has is used with He/She/It. eg He has been to Paris
saw: saw is used for the past tense.
seen: seen is used with have/has/had.
brought: brought means having some things from some another place.
bought: to buy something.

4. Present Perfect Continuous:-
When & How:-

-Something started at some point in the past and it’s still going on continuously at the moment of speaking – focusing on the activity. eg: We have been leaving together for 10 years. eg2: Kathrin hasn’t been feeling very well.

have/has + been + verb + ing

Positive(+): eg: I have been waiting for him since 7 o’clock.
Questions(?): eg: How long has she been studying drama?
Negative(-): eg: They haven’t been looking for a new build flat but instead prefer an older one.

1)My parents ….. for their visa for the USA for about a year. (has waited, have waited, has been waiting, have been waiting).
Ans:- have been waiting.
reason:- My parents can be assumed and they and we are using have to verb with I/you/we/they have been waiting is the right answer.

2)Please, decide in which situation you would use the present perfect continuous tense.\
A) When you say how many times you have been to Paris. (eg: I’ve been to Paris seven times in my life. We use the present perfect as your chance to go again is not over.)
B) When how long you have been in Italy?
Ans:- B
example:- I have been living in Italy for Eight Years.

-verbs not to use in present continuous/ continuous.
-Examples of verbs that we don’t normally use in the continuous tenses.
-Verbs of mind (thoughts):- know, understand, forget, believe, remember, mean, promise, apologize.
-Verbs of the heart (feeling):- adore, love, like, hate, dislike, prefer, want, need..etc.
eg1: I love you (and not I am loving you).
eg2: He wants to quit his job (not he’s wanting to quit his job)

Past Tense

Past Simple + Past Continuous:- one of the actions happened in the middle of another one.
eg1: It started(past simple) raining. when I was walking(past continuous) to the supermarket.
eg2: I was having(past continuous) a shower when the telephone rang(past simple “rang”).

Past Continuous + Past Continuous:- Two situations happened at the same time continuously.
eg: In the morning, Mr pumpkin was reading(past continuous) a newspaper while I was doing(past continuous) my make-up.

Past Perfect + Past Simple:- something happened earlier in the past.
eg1: I looked(past simple”looked”) pretty because I had done(past perfect) my make-up earlier.
eg2: Mr pumpkin Knew(past simple) the answer because he had read(past perfect) the book earlier.
eg3:- I was waiting(past continuous) for James yesterday. When he called(past simple) to say that he couldn’t come because he had missed(past perfect) his flight.

1. Past Simple.
When & How

when we talk about a finished past event. eg: I met my wife in 1932. eg2: I moved to new york last year.
-in the finished past event we are using words like yesterday, last week, last summer, last year, last decade, and a(period of time) ago.

The action happened one after another- storytelling.
eg1: storytelling in which all things have some connection with the previous one
eg2: I woke(past simple) up very early yesterday. After I drank(past simple) a nice cup of tea.

1. ‘one-word’ structure(V2): eg cleaned, started, woke up, drank, ate.

Positive(+): I saw Susan yesterday.
Question(?)(did): Did you see Susan yesterday?./What did you do last night?
Negative(-)(did/didn’t + simplest form of the verb): I didn’t go to the theatre yesterday.

1) It … yesterday. (works, hasn’t worked, didn’t work, was worked)
Ans:- didn’t work
2) Please, decide in which situation you would use the past simple tense.
A) When you tell your friend what happened to you last summer. eg. I went to Paris for two weeks last summer.
B) When you say how many times you have been to Paris. eg. I’ve been to Paris seven times in my life.- we use the present perfect as your chance to go again is not over, you’re still alive)
Ans: A

2. Past Continuous.
When & How

-when a longer action was interrupted:
eg1: I was having a shower(past continuous) when a telephone rang(interruption).
eg2: I hurt my back when I was learning to dance the charleston.

-when we talk about what was already happening at a particular time in the past.
eg: Mr pumpkin was reading his book at 4 O’clock. eg2: Madam, what were you doing at 10 O’clock last night?


  1. to be + verb + ing:
  2. infinitive(to be), past-v3(been), past-v2(was/were), present(is/am/are), future(will be).
  3. as followed below:-
    Positive(+): She was reading last night.
    Questions(?): Were you reading in bed last night?
    Negative(-): She wasn’t reading in bed last night when Mr Adams got home.


  1. Peter….I top gun when I came home from work last night. ( watched, was watching, was watching, had been watching).
    ans: was watching.
  2. please, in decide in which situation you would use past continuous tense.
    A) When you answer the question: what were you doing at 9:00 this morning?
    B) When you answer the question: what have you been doing recently? (E.g I have been working quite a lot recently.- We use the present perfect with ‘recently’)

Was used with he/she/it/I
were is used with second person singular and plural(you, yours, your)

3. Past Perfect:-
When & How

something had happened before something else in the past.
eg: I looked good because I had done my make-up earlier.
eg2: Mr. Pumpkin knew the answer because he had read the book earlier.

1.have + v3(past participle form)
2.infinitive(have/has), v2(had), v3(had)

Positive(+): He had broken the vase earlier.
Question(?): Had everybody gone by the time he got there?
Negative(-): The flat was a total mess. They hadn’t lived there for years.

1…everybody…home by the time you got there?(Has,gone/Had,went/Had,go/Had,gone)
Ans: Had, gone.

2. Please, decide in which situation you would use the past perfect tense.
A)When you say how many times you have been to Brazil. (E.g I have been to Brazil four times.-We use the present perfect as your chance to go again is not over.)
B)When you say you went to Brazil last year because your parents had moved there before.
Ans: B
reason: eg. I went to Brazil last year because my parents had moved there before.

4. Past perfect continuous.
when & how

something was in progress up to a point in time in the past – the action is important.
eg1: I got tired(past simple) because I had been dancing(past perfect continuous) for hours.
eg2: Mr. Pumpkin got fit. he had been doing lots of sport.

1. had + been + verb + ing

Positive(+): eg: She had been dancing. eg2: They had been doing sports.
Questions(?): eg: Had he been doing lots of sports?
Negative(-): eg: He hadn’t been working.

1. I could afford the pretty skirt because I…all summer to earn money. ( The activity is in focus!)(has been working, had been working, was working, had worked)
Ans: had been working.

2. Please, decide in which situation you would use the past perfect continuous tense.
A) When you want to tell your partner that you were cooking when they arrived. (E.g I was cooking when you arrived.-We use the past continuous when we say that a background activity was interrupted.)
B) When you want to explain to your partner why they found you asleep on the sofa earlier when they came home from work and it was because of cleaning the house for hours before they arrived.(E.g I fell asleep, I was so tired. I had been cleaning the house for hours.
Ans: B.

1. Future Simple Tense:
when & how

we decide to do something at the time/moment of speaking.
eg1: I’ll answer it( when the phone rang we decided to answer the phone before saying the statement).
eg2: I’ll have the chicken with veggies(decided from the menu at the time of speaking).

We promise something. eg: I’ll call you(promise after a date)

After ‘I think, ‘I’m sure. eg: Don’t worry, I think he’ll come to the party. eg2: I’m sure he will like my new hair color.

we’re not sure, not certain about the future action; we predict it. eg: Hopefully, Miss England will win the beauty contest on Sunday(hopefully = not sure, not certain). eg2: You’ll be rich and famous (fortune telling is a prediction). eg3: They’ll probably get married(probably= not sure, not certain).


  1. one word structure with WILL
    -‘will’ + infinitive
    Positive(+): I’ll call you.
    Question(?): What will Tom do now as he has failed his exam?
    Negative(-): You can trust her. She won’t tell your secret to anyone.


  1. I think you …. like the new Tom Hanks movie.(‘ll/are/will have been/will be)
    Ans: ‘ll
  2. Please, decide in which situation you would use the future simple tense.
    A) When you decide to help a woman carry her bag at the moment of speaking. Eg I’ll help you.
    B) When you want to say what you will be doing this time tomorrow? ( we use the future continuous when we would like to say what we will be doing this time tomorrow I’ll be sitting on a plane this time tomorrow.)
    ans: A
  3. Future continuous, Future Perfect & Future Perfect Continuous.
  1. Future continuous.
    -When & how.
    -In the middle of doing something at a certain time in the future. eg At 6:30 I’ll be watching it.
    -will + be + verb + ing
    -Positive(+): I will be watching.
    -Question(?): Will you be watching?
    -Negative(-): It won’t be watching.
  1. Future Perfect.
    when & how
    -Something will be ended, completed at a certain time in the future. eg: By the time my husband arrives home, the TV show will have finished.
    -will+have+V3(past participle form)
    -Positive(+): It will have finished.
    -Questions(?): Will it have finished?
    -Negative(-): It won’t have finished.

3. Future perfect continuous.
when & how
Stress how long something has been going on by a certain time in the future. eg: By 2018 we will have been living together for 12 years.


  1. will + have + been + verb + ing
    Positive(+): we will have been living together.
    Questions(?): Will you have been living together?
    Negative(-): You won’t have been living together.


  1. By this time tomorrow, I … on the plane to Portugal. (will be sitting, am sitting, will be sitting, will sit)
    Ans: will be sitting.
  2. Expressing the future with the present simple and the present continuous
  3. Present Continuous: eg: I’m playing tennis with Susan on Sunday. eg2: I’m meeting Paul in front of the cinema tonight.
    eg3: We’re getting married on the 25th.(decided And arranged (often with someone else)
  4. Present Simple: eg: The film starts at 7:30.(times fixed in a timetable).


  1. The bus…on Saturday at 6.00 am.(leaves/will leaving/leaving/are leave).
    ans: leaves.
  2. Expressing the future with “to be going to”
    when & how
  3. we can see a sign, something that makes us think that something is going to happen. eg:Oh, no..it’s going to rain. eg2: They are going to bump into each other. eg3: Oh, no…I’m going to be late again.
  4. Intention to do something but it’s just a plan, No arrangements. eg: ‘Oh, no! I don’t fit into my wedding dress! I”m going to go on a diet.

note: gonna = going to
1. I’m not gonna go to this concert == I’m not going to go to this concert.
2. What are you gonna do tonight? == What are you going to do tonight?

1.to be(am/is/are) + going to + verb(infinitive)

Positive(+): Martha is going to be sick.(she looked very bad yesterday.-sign)
Questions(?): What are they going to do?
Negative(-): We are not going to travel on this ship as it seems we’ve just missed it.


  1. What … he … to do tonight?( is, going/ am, going/ are, going/ are,going/ is, be going).
    Ans: is, going.
  2. Please decide in which situation you would use the ‘to be going to structure.
    A) When you can see that the magazine is too close to the stove and you want to say that it’s going to catch fire. eg: It’s going to catch fire.
    B) When you speak about a timetable event. (E.g The train runs every ten minutes.- We use the Present Simple to express timetable events.
    Ans: A

Verb Structure.

  1. Continuous: to be + verb + in
    • “to be” is replaced with respective uses like for past continuous was/were is used, for present continuous is/am/are, for future continuous will be. will all this we use the verb + ing in it.
  2. Simple:- one-word structure
    • Note for simplicity we have to take care while we are using it for women, men, or an object.
      If I, you, we, they will occur then use learn
      If he, she, it will occur then use learns
  3. Perfect:- have + V3(past participle form) (past-v2)
    • we replace have with had, has and will have for their respective uses.
  4. Perfect Continous:- have + been + verb + ing (note past-V2)
    • for perfect continous we have/has/had/will have with been and the verb in ing form for continuous only.

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