Web Stories A Complete Beginner Tutorial For WordPress Users.

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In this blog, we are going to learn about a new tool introduced by google for ranking our blog’s Web Stories, This blog will be a complete beginner tutorial for WordPress users, and note if anyone using bloggers for managing their websites they can also create web stories and for that will discuss in our future blogs, not in this blog is mainly for WordPress users but the steps for creating web stories are somewhat similar up to some extent so blogger user also can read this blog for getting a kind of knowledge.

What Is Web stories?

Web stories is a new tool introduced by google in online world. Web stories is mainly for web site users who can see a short intdrouction of our website in mobile format like youtube shorts where we are creating short videos for entertainment, short information, quotes like things just like that our web stories work but instead of videos we are using article and while creating web stories we can include some attractive words that can fill some information in their life and can attract aduiences to our web stories.

So Let see how web stories works.

Whenever user search their query in google from mobile devices their search query has been recorded and according to that search you will be able to see the webstories and to see that which webstories you are able to see now you need to open google app from your mobile devices their you will see google discover section below left corner may be you can check accordingly after clicking on the discover button and scrolling down some where you will see stories section this is nothing but a webstories accroding to your previous searched data. You can see the stories section in the below image.

Why We Should Use Web stories In Our Blog?

Web stories are not just a web stories which shows a short introduction about your websites post it is more than that because a particular web stories can show the people that your content is meaningful for them in terms of anything and it also shows that how creative your content is and they start browsing your web stories if they find it for them. After creating a valuable content or post you can make a web stories for that post and after submitting your web stories to search console google will start listing your webstories in discover section.

How To Create New Web Stories In WordPress.

To create a web stories in wordpress we have to install web stories plugin in wordpress which will look like just click on the installation button which is not listed in my case because I have installed web stories previously so you will be able to see that and after installation click on the activate button.

Web stories

And after installing that plugin you will be able to see one web stories tab in the left menu panel of wordpress with some of the sub menu elements as showned in the below image.

Stories Section

Click on the Dashboard button in the Stories section of your wordpress you will be able to see web stories dashboard like below image where you can manage you web stories.

web stories dashboard

In the above image you will be able to see all the created web stories i.e 3 web stories in my case with the main title of web stories on it.

To start creating a new web stories you need to click on the create new story button below web stories logo after clicking that button you will be able to see below web stories IDE or you can say that web stories editor from which we can edit our web stories and publish it.

web stories editor

At start it will be overwhelming for some one if he or she is not friendly with this type of editor but after spending some amount of time with some goal in mind for creating web stories than this type of fear is flushed from your mind and you will start playing with this tool so its all about time. So for detail overview of this dashboard I will create a separate article for that which you can check after some time.

How To Choose Images For Your Web Stories.

For choosing images we need follow some steps as mentioned below:-
Step1: Choose a post in which you want to create a web stories.
Step2: Choose a Image according to your post.
Step3: To add those images in to your web stories you need to follow below steps

  1. Click on the insert button in the top left corner as showned in the image
  2. Click on the upload section below insert button
  3. Now to upload your choosen image’s you need click on the upload button and simply upload it
  4. After uploading that image you will be able to see that image is added into you selected page in web stories IDE and also added in the insert section like below.

How To Index Web Stories In The Search Console.

After creating a web stories the next comes to publish this webstories just by clicking on the publish button which is located at the top right corner of your screen in the same editor but this is not inof because google may know your webstories but its a best practices to submit your web stories to google search console so that your web stories get index to google and at the time of user search query google may add it to google discover is less amount of time. So for submitting a web stories into a search console we first need to copy the web storie URL for that we need to go on the web stories dashboard and click on the three dot button as showned in the image below and copy the Url for web story.

select web storie

To submit this url we need to go on the search console and click on the search/inspect button and paste this web storie url into that as showned in the image then click enter and you are done you can check after some days for status of your submited web storie.

How We Can Make Money From Web Stories.

To make money from webstories if you already created web stories previously we need to do some changes in the web storie setting for that you need to click on the setting tab of Storie

stories tab

After clicking on the stories tab setting section will open and their are some important setting to do first you have to add all the essential things into that like publisher logo and for monetization find monetization section somewhere and click on the dropdown button and select google adsense and enter the details like Publisher ID and Slot ID which is located in the adsense dashboard.

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